Facebook PostSpark

Handpicked real estate content for your Facebook page.

Automated Facebook Posting For Agents

Save time and increase your business page engagement with automated homebuyer and seller Facebook content!

  • Set your posting schedule and our Facebook experts handle the rest.
  • Content works with any local market!
  • Content will be posted from thousands of images and articles curated specifically for real estate.
  • Watch your Facebook page engagement and interactions grow!
Try Facebook PostSpark

Select your page.


Set a schedule.


We start posting.


Start posting today!

Try PostSpark

More Comments, Likes and Shares

Our posts are proven to get more interaction from audience. You’ll see more prospects commenting on your posts as well as liking and sharing with their friends. This gets you in front of a larger audience on Facebook.

Try PostSpark

You Still Have Full Control.

Once PostSpark posts to your page, you have the ability to edit the posts as you see fit for your brand. You can also post your own content whenever you like just like you did before PostSpark. It’s also fine to just set it, forget it and leave it all to PostSpark!

Look Like a Social Media Pro.

Every image and article posted is chosen with the specific objective of captivating and expanding your audience. Impress potential buyers and sellers with content that shows you’re a tech-savvy agent on top of the latest trends.

Try PostSpark


Automatic Listing Posting

Have listings? We’ll automatically import and post them from your MLS once a month. We’ll take up to 5 of your most recent listings and display them in an attractive carousel post format. When users click they’ll be able to see the entire listing details and photos!


Fresh Content Handpicked by Our Team

See images below to preview a sample post.


Ready to try Facebook PostSpark? Follow the checkout link to get started. A member of our onboarding team will be with you shortly.

  • Work with local professionals.
  • 30 day, 100% money back guarantee.
  • Trusted by top brokers and agents.

Facebook PostSpark

$200 / month

PostSpark Checkout

Have Questions?

Have questions about Facebook PostSpark? Please send us a message and a member of our sales team will be with you shortly.